City Lord Duanmu

Soldiers were guarding the platform. When they saw the group, they hurriedly knelt down and greeted, "Greetings, Immortals and Fairies!"

"Let's go to the City Lord Residence first." Chen Huan and the rest had been out on many missions and were used to such scenes. They did not even look at the soldiers as they said to Pei Ling, "City Lord Duanmu is a Foundation Establishment senior. When you see him later, don't be rude!"

Pei Ling nodded. "Don't worry, Senior Brother Chen. I'll take note of it."

After a while, they arrived at the City Lord Residence. Although Spiraling Mountain City was under the Deep Sea Sect like Deer Spring City, it was clearly much more prosperous. The City Lord Residence was also much more lofty and magnificent than the City Lord Residence of Deer Spring City.

They approached the door to reveal their identities and backgrounds. Before long, a steward came out to welcome them.