Blood Spiraling Escape Technique

Wu Liu circled him like a ghost and floated in midair. Its cold palm pressed against Pei Ling's face as she said softly, "Young master… What do you want to ask? No matter what you ask, remember that you can only ask one question. If you ask more, I will feel quite troubled… If that happens…"

She narrowed her eyes and gave a strange smile. "You won't ever annoy me, right?"

Hearing this, Pei Ling asked without hesitation, "Miss Wuliu, I want to know how to earn tens of thousands of spirit stones quickly!"

"Tens of thousands of spirit stones?" Wu Liu seemed to choke for a moment before she laughed again. Her eyes curved into crescents as it said, "Why do you need to use your brain for such a small amount of spirit stones? Why don't you ask my master for it?"

Pei Ling: "…"

Wu Liu continued, "You can also just slaughter a city and gather them."

Pei Ling: "…"