Soul Devouring Mother Array

Mount Spiral was vast. According to Chen Mei's introduction on the Corpse Cloud, Mount Spiral had 36 peaks and 72 waterfalls. There were countless rivers and streams, and the mountain range stretches for tens of thousands of kilometers.

As water vapor was abundant, vegetation flourished, and there were countless birds and beasts. The same applies to snakes and other insects.

It was not a big deal as Chen Huan's team was well prepared. After they entered the forest, they distributed the insect repellent sachets one by one. Zhang Zhongqin held a long saber and bashed open a path in front of them. Although they had encountered several ambushes from beasts and insects, Chen Huan and the others displayed their experience in missions. They cooperated well and dealt with those situations with relative ease. Overall, things were going rather smoothly.