The Smart Cultivation System is at Your Service!

As the sun began to set, Pei Ling returned to the Pei Residence.

Most of the servants he encountered along the way pretended not to see him and busied themselves.

When he was about to leave the area of the main courtyard, a servant girl stopped him. "Madam said that the disciples of the Holy Sect staying in the residence for the time being like the pastries made from Colorless Ganoderma. I'll trouble you to find more in Yuanlao Mountain tomorrow. When the time comes, Madam will reward you handsomely!"

"I understand." The servant girl's cavalier attitude was apparent, but Pei Ling thought nothing of it. He was satisfied with his status in this massive manor, just like the courtyard he was living in now. It was remote, inconspicuous, quiet, and no one cared about it. Of course, no one served him.

Even if he killed someone in the middle of the day and burned the corpse to eliminate the evidence, no one would discover it here.