
This coolness was very faint at first. It was as if a cool breeze had brushed past his face in the heat, and then it was back to the heat waves. It was also as if he was standing still for a moment after a long journey to catch his breath before setting off again.

The fact was that Pei Ling was in such extreme pain that he could not even sense it.

But soon, the cool feeling began to spread.

The others could see the azure halo slowly collapsing from Pei Ling's dantian after covering his body for a long time.

When Ouyang Xianxing saw this, she became anxious again.

He had already endured the most difficult and painful stage. The next step was to truly absorb the fire and completely refine the Cold Marrow Fire into his body.

Whether this mission would succeed or not, it was already at the final juncture.

If he succeeded, everyone would be happy. If he failed, he would be reduced to ashes.