
"Thud thud thud!"

Miao Chengyang was covered in injuries and blood splattered all over the ground In the dilapidated courtyard. He retreated more than a hundred feet before he managed to stabilize himself.

Immediately, he felt a pain in his chest. He staggered and knelt down weakly.

Trying his best to support himself with his hands, he looked up with anger and resentment. "Pei Ling killed my younger brother, messed up my state of mind and ruined my Dao heart! If I don't kill him, my inner demon will not go away and my path will be hopeless! This is an irreconcilable grudge. Why do you have to hold back? If you don't kill me, I'll kill Pei Ling!"

In the pavilion, Jiao Ni was still sitting quietly and doing her embroidery. The long hair that spread out behind her head covered the sky, almost blocking the entire courtyard.