Alchemy Interlude

Half a day later, Pei Ling went straight to the alchemy room after purchasing some items at the Elixir Peak Market.

He had collected a lot of medicinal herbs this time. He then considered the time to cultivate and planned to rent it for 10 days first.

However, before it was his turn, someone squeezed over from behind and shouted while wiping his sweat, "Pei Ling!"

Pei Ling recognized Pei Hongnian's voice and turned around in surprise. "Senior, what is it?"

"Come with me for a while." Pei Hongnian pulled him to a quiet place and said in a low voice, "I have something to entrust to you. You must help!"

"Tell me what it is first." Pei Ling did not comment. He felt that his relationship with this cousin was average. Last time, the other party was not even willing to lend him 10 spirit stones. If it was a small matter, he would help. If it was more troublesome, he did not have the time.