Refining Jade Pills

"A supreme-grade Bone Tempering Pill is something that can only be chanced upon by luck. No matter where you are, there's no need to worry about no one fighting over it. However, the person who really doesn't care about the price is the alchemist." Zheng Jingshan smiled. "A supreme-grade pill is of extraordinary value to an alchemist. If he can comprehend a little from it, he might be able to improve his alchemy skills further. Just based on this, why would those alchemists care about mere tens of thousands of spirit stones?

Of the 10 supreme-grade Bone Tempering Pills auctioned this time, nine of them were bought by alchemists or families that sponsor alchemists.

I plan to go to a market further away next time. I should be able to sell the pills for a high price."

Pei Ling was enlightened and said with a smile, "Senior Brother is wise."

It was a pleasant surprise that Zheng Jingshan knew how to earn spirit stones.