Drawing lots.

"Since everyone wants the recipe for the foundation building elixir and the red whisker vine ..." Tang Nanzhai's expression was as calm as ever. He said calmly, " then we'll see what we can do. &Quot;

After saying this, he nodded slightly and was about to leave with his team.

Seeing this, Guan xuerui rolled her eyes and suddenly said, " "Senior brother Tang, please hold on."

She opened her feather fan, half-covering her face, and chuckled. &Quot; we're all senior and junior brothers and sisters of the same sect. Why do you want to hurt our relationship for a mere han Manor? "

"Actually, in my opinion, whether it's the recipe for the foundation building elixir or the personal notes, it's not like only one person can use it."

"The only thing worth fighting is the red whisker vine."

"Since that's the case, why don't we cooperate?"

&Quot; this way, even if most of us can't get the red beard vines, we won't be returning empty-handed. How about it? "