The foundation of ghost curse Dao

Everyone looked toward the source of the voice and saw a cloud of gray mist slowly dissipating, revealing a hazy figure.

It seemed to be a cultivator who was sitting cross-legged on a futon, and the aura around him was decaying. However, countless red silk threads pierced through the void and wrapped around his body like a spider web.

&Quot; senior Brother Han sigu?! &Quot; Tang Nanzhai looked at him warily. Suddenly, he heard Lin Long's exclamation.

"Han sigu?" Everyone was stunned and looked at Lin Long together.

&Quot; of course! &Quot; Lin Long nodded her head affirmatively. &Quot; when I first joined the sect, I attended senior Brother Han sigu's lecture at weapon peak. That's why I've always remembered your voice! &Quot;

Tang Nanzhai's eyes flickered and he asked in a deep voice, " "May I ask if it was really senior martial Brother Han?"