Chapter 179-I've been deceived!

RUO Xiufeng.

In a beautiful cave.

In front of the courtyard, there was a winding stream, and outside the railing, there were exotic flowers and plants.

The beautiful Merman's head was full of pearls and Jade, and she was wearing a colorful dress. She held a Bell and a colorful ribbon as she stepped down the spiral steps.

Behind the crystal curtain, gongzhi Yan was wearing a light robe and sitting on the table with a calm expression.

Gu Hong, who was sitting opposite him, was playing with a small cup in his hand. His face was gloomy.

"Junior Brother gongzhi, I've come to you this time to ask for your help in dealing with a person." Gu Hong said as he picked up the teacup in front of him and finished it in one gulp.