The Lord of the southern region!

In the middle of the arena, on the fifth arena.

&Quot; nine blades ... Is this all the gongzhi Yan can do? " PEI Ling was surprised, but he quickly shook his head and laughed. This is the consequence of underestimating your enemy!"

There was still a bit of time left for the second round. PEI Ling estimated that the other party would definitely not be satisfied and would continue to challenge him, so he waited on the stage. However, until the time was over, no one else went up.

Three gongs and drums announced the end of the second round of selection.

At the same time, the stern and cold voice rang in the ears of all the disciples, " "The guard has ended!"

&Quot; the third stage: soul bridge! &Quot;

"The soul bridge will appear in four hours."

"All arena Lords, cross the bridge at the same time."

"The first four to reach the other side will pass."

"The remaining will be eliminated."