Mirror heaven!

In the East, da Xi Ye laughed from extreme anger: " of your five disciples from the southern mountain range, only two can not enter the field. As for the other three, two have suffered light injuries and will be fine after some rest. The chief is also unscathed! &Quot; Other than Lu Xuan, four disciples of the Eastern Region have been killed by your palm."

&Quot; in such a situation, you still dare to make false accusations. I said that the Eastern Region can't tolerate the southern region? "

&Quot; it's your southern region who has ulterior motives and intends to exterminate my Eastern Region! &Quot;

"No wonder that Rahu ..."

"That's enough," At this moment, a cold voice suddenly came from the sky. &Quot; as the master of a region, you are quarreling and criticizing like a mortal in front of so many juniors. What a disgrace! &Quot;