My generation of system, why hesitate to fight!

The sun was setting in the West.

The blue-eyed Blood Wolf King had completely recovered. It pointed out a few natural treasures for PEI Ling and finally made up for the losses of the Ganoderma snow fruits before the Twilight.

As such, he had already obtained more than 1000 points today, which was considered a pass.

After asking the blue-eyed Blood Wolf King and confirming that he had swept clean all the heavenly treasures in the vicinity, PEI Ling returned to the wolf King's territory to rest.

He planned to recover for a while.

After reaching the ninth-stage Qi refinement realm, he would be fine even if he didn't sleep for ten days and ten nights. However, there were still many unknown dangers and enemies from other regions in this secret realm.

He had to be in his best condition at all times so that he could deal with any accidents that might come at any time.