The PEI family shows goodwill!

Thinking of the trouble that the retarded system had caused in the past, PEI Ling could not help but Mutter, " &Quot; this kind of temporary trap is still too simple. If something goes wrong one day, the consequences will be unimaginable. &Quot;

&Quot; I'm not short of spirit stones or materials now. I'll find a forger to help me forge an item that can interrupt the system's control. &Quot;

&Quot; this way, I can bring it with me every time I seize it for cultivation. I don't have to worry about the system causing trouble. &Quot;

Thinking of this, he put away the blade embryo. Next, he just needed to get the harmonious spirit item from Senior Sister li to complete the transformation of the blade.

Thus, after tidying up, PEI Ling walked out of the door. He wondered how Senior Sister Ouyang's matter was going ... It had been so long, she had probably gone back already?