Chapter 10: the innate sect.

PEI Ling shook his head. &Quot; that way, outsiders will be able to tell at a glance. The plan will be meaningless. Just treat these six cages as the three-headed pterolycus and the netherworld wood! &Quot;

Seeing PEI Ling's firm attitude, Mei keqiu could only give up. Then, under PEI Ling's urging, she arranged for the convoy to set off.

Soon, six boxes covered with black cloth, each one a carriage, filed out of the inn.

The pulling force came from a group of Qi cultivating spirits. They all had the appearance of strong men. Their faces were pale, and their facial features were as hard as a sculpture. Their upper bodies were bare, revealing their muscular chests. From his waist down, black mist surrounded him.

Their black eyes were cold and silent. They held the rope that was as thick as a child's arm and carried it on their shoulders. They pulled the carriage and moved at a speed that was not slower than a galloping horse.