Anger soaring to the sky.

Huo Zhaojing did not dare to be distracted. He immediately took out a bone seal. This bone seal was made of the bones of some unknown creature. The white bone seal was engraved with all kinds of ghostly images. As soon as he took it out, the surrounding cold wind rose and the temperature of the entire courtyard seemed to drop suddenly!

Huo Zhaojing threw the bone seal forward. The bone seal immediately grew bigger and in the blink of an eye, it was as big as a house, blocking the nine rays of saber Qi.

Clang clang clang clang clang clang ...

The nine saber Qi ruthlessly struck the bone seal!

The blade and the bone collided, and the air wave roared. The originally exquisite green-striped stones on the ground of the courtyard seemed to ripple and split open layer by layer. As the sand and stones flew, the surrounding houses and plants moaned as they couldn't bear it and were destroyed one after another.