Ten days and ten nights

In the side hall, under the heavy curtains, there was a Lotus-like bath pool. Spiritual Qi and water vapor rose together, filling the entire Hall.

The surrounding curtains moved slightly, like light smoke.

Li lieyue did not enter the deeper waters this time. Instead, he sat cross-legged in the water that only reached his waist, his brows slightly furrowed.

The thick fog covered her figure and face like a veil, and only a glimpse could be seen from the occasional gap. One could see her green hair and red face, her magnificent appearance, her skin that was brighter than the snow and the moon, and her waist that was like a willow branch in spring.

The rune between his eyebrows was like fresh blood that had not yet solidified, and it was even more brilliant.

It was rare for her to put down her indifferent expression, and on her beautiful face, there was a clear look of doubt.

It was too strange!