The lantern

The resentful spirit had no physical form and could pass through the forest.

But the Ji family was different.

Ji Wu was a warrior, so he was used to eating wind and sleeping in the open. He didn't care about the lush leaves in front of him.

However, Ji youzhong, Ji Shuang 'er, and Xiao Xia had spent most of their time in courtyards, and they were all exhausted from the recent events.

Xiao Xia looked at her master's face and whispered to Ji Wu,"Can you cut down some of these trees? Otherwise, it would not be good if you hurt young lady."

Ji Wu didn't answer directly, but turned to look at the cultivators.

Seeing their cold expressions, as if they had not heard him, his heart skipped a beat. He whispered, " "Don't cause any trouble."

With that, Ji Wu stretched out his hand and parted the leaves, allowing Ji Shuang 'er to pass.