So it's a demon brat!

"Damn it!" Madam sang was shocked. She had not been unprepared just now.

After all, even ants would covet their lives. The trash from before didn't dare to resist in front of a core formation cultivator, but that didn't mean that everyone didn't dare to resist.

However, he did not expect Zheng Jingshan to attack so quickly!

Moreover, just this divine ability of his to suppress his cultivation base was able to directly knock down a large realm. Even if she could react in time, she was most likely not his opponent!

At this thought, Madam sang did not hesitate and immediately said, " "Little friend Zheng, please show mercy!"

&Quot; now that things have changed and we're losing members, why do we still have to fight among ourselves? "

&Quot; I was in the wrong just now. I'm willing to apologize to you and compensate you with a sum of spirit stones! &Quot;

"In the current situation, we need to work together to have a chance to leave this damn place."