This isn't the first day!

The rain was pouring.

Purple plum Blossom's forefather stood in the rain with a blank look on his face. His magic power circulated on its own to disperse the rain and fog, and he looked around in bewilderment.

He felt as if he had suddenly forgotten a lot of things.

"What's going on? I seemed to have just made a move?"

"Something's wrong! Madam sang and I are going to the ten thousand fathoms sea ... Why are we here in this temple?"

"And, where is Madam sang?"

One thought after another passed through his mind, but his face remained impassive. After making sure that there was no one else around, he narrowed his eyes at the only pair in his line of sight.

That young man looked like an ordinary mortal, harmless. On the other hand, the seemingly beautiful young girl was full of demonic Qi, and there was a faint smell of blood and sweetness around her body, which made people's brains sink slightly. She was obviously a transformed demonic beast!