I've fainted.

Outside LAN ke city, under the canopy.

In the airtight encirclement, PEI Ling looked around in confusion. When he did not see any more strong reinforcements from the Li clan, his face suddenly darkened.

What was going on?

The powerful cultivators sent by the Li clan to protect him couldn't even take one move from Zhou Miaoli?

However, PEI Ling's mind whirred and he quickly regained his senses.

For the Li clan's test this time, he didn't set off directly from the sect, but was first taken to the ruins of Luquan City by li lieyue's Mystic bone boat. After li lieyue successfully condensed his nascent soul, he was directly sent to the vicinity of Lanke city.

If someone was secretly watching the entire process, it would not be able to escape li lieyue's eyes!

And with li lieyue's relationship with him, it was absolutely impossible for him to expose his whereabouts.