! lonely grave in the forest

Lanke city.

The sun was setting.

The city that was bustling with noise and excitement during the day gradually began to rest.

Ji Manor.

The third young master, Ji Chenglong, was as drunk as usual in the brothel. Supported by a servant, he staggered back to his residence through The Corner Door.

He was the son of the master of the family, but not the eldest son. He had two older brothers, one more capable than the other. Even though he was already in his twenties, he could not get involved in the many businesses of the family. He could only idle around all day long, waiting for his mother and father to pass away and divide some of the family's assets before he set up his own business.

Because of this, Ji Chenglong had been a frequent visitor to the brothels since he was born. He had always respected his wife, who was of equal social status, as cold as ice.