Where did Senior Sister go?

6th room A.

The brocade tent hung low, and the bead curtain was half rolled up. From the gold-gilded Kasaya furnace, a delicate fragrance rushed straight to the roof beam. Green smoke curled up, and the fragrance overflowed.

One-third of the meditation Incense that was used to help cultivators calm down and focus had already been burned. However, Ruan Yang was still filled with distracting thoughts and couldn't enter meditation.

She came from a top sect in the Panhu realm, su zhentian, and was as close as a blood sister to her Senior Sister mo minglan.

Mo minglan was the first to enter the Dao, and her cultivation was higher than hers.

Not long ago, under the guidance of this Senior Sister, she finally successfully entered the core formation realm.

However, due to various reasons, he was only a grade four true core cultivator and was unable to become a golden core cultivator.

Because of this, Ruan Yang was unhappy and depressed.