Chapter 115-the greedy glaze Empire

The glazed tile Empire was rather special among the nine great sects.

Because it was the only one that was ruled by an Empire.

Moreover, unlike the other eight sects, the glaze avarice dynasty had Immortals and mortals living together. There was no special estrangement between the cultivators who had entered the path and mortals.

The dynasty had a major examination, which was held once every three years, divided into celestial and ordinary subjects.

Those who won could enter the court and become officials.

There were even some mortals who, although they did not have the aptitude for cultivation, were naturally intelligent and had unique opinions on governing the country and the people. They were valued by the dynasty and their status was higher than many high-level cultivators. They were given longevity elixirs and were even equipped with many cultivators as guards. They could order people around arrogantly and bring glory to their families!