The mysterious alchemy master.

As the pill furnace landed on the ground, PEI Ling's mind was racing."Dreamless powder, bone-tempering pill, and Jade seed pill are all unique elixirs of the heavy iron sect. Although they are circulated in the outside world, most of them have been formed. Otherwise, it'll be the same as announcing your family's name."

"The soul pacifying pill is a soul Dao pill, unlike the three above, which carry the distinctive mark of the heavy burden sect. However, it carries the distinct brand of the entire devil Dao ..."

"If I were to refine the soul calming pill here, wouldn't that be equivalent to confirming my identity as a devil cultivator in front of everyone?"

"It's the same for qi and blood pills."

"With the pill formulas I have, the remaining choices are the essence cultivation pill and the foundation building pill ..." He thought.

"The origin nurturing pill has a wide range of uses for righteous and demonic cultivators as well as rogue cultivators."