After taking a hot bath

City Lord's mansion.

The overbearing fragrance of the spices kept coming out of the small kitchen with the shadows of bamboo dancing.

Everyone inside and outside was dumbfounded!

For a moment, the inside and outside of the kitchen were dead silent. Only the boiling sound of the soup in the large pot could be heard.

Everyone was shocked!

They looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

The city Lord's wife, Yan qinlang, had been pushed into a pot by an unfamiliar young cultivator in front of everyone in the city Lord's mansion!

Bang Bang Bang!

"Let ... Gutu ... Let me out ... Gutu ... Let me out!" At this moment, a heavy knocking came from the pot, accompanied by Yan qinlang knocking on the lid as he choked on the soup.

The wolf demon by the pot suddenly came to its senses!

Ever since it had come to the glazed tile Empire, its comfortable life had made its race, which was known for its speed, extremely slow.