Plotting against the medicine fairy!

The sea of bamboo was surging.

There was a small path between the Jade clouds, winding and deep. At the end of the path was a small green building, which was Zhou Miaoli's residence in the palace examination.

At this moment, all kinds of restrictions and arrays were opened in the building.

Zhou Miaoli, who was disguised as fan Jusong, sat cross-legged on a futon. In front of her was a piece of animal skin, which was her question.

Her brows were slightly furrowed as she picked up a medicinal herb from time to time. She hesitated for a moment before putting it down and changing to another one ...

From his expression and actions, it was obvious that he was thinking hard to make up for the incomplete recipe.

But in reality ...

&Quot; I've entered the court examinations. Everything is going smoothly. &Quot; Zhou Miaoli secretly made a hand seal to remove the seal on her divine sense in her hair.