The Alchemist fairy

At this time, the medicine fairy had not woken up yet. She did not feel any evil or hostility, so she was still in a deep sleep.

The next moment, the system controlled PEI Ling to reach out and grab the medicine fairy's Silver hair, pulling it hard!

The hair didn't move, but he couldn't pull it off.

After that, the system tried a second time, a third time ...

After more than ten times, the medicine fairy's eyes were still closed, but her delicate brows furrowed slightly, and she muttered a soft " hmm. &Quot;

PEI Ling's heart jumped in fear.

Fortunately, the medicine fairy only changed her position and continued to sleep. At this time, the strand of hair that had been pulled repeatedly suddenly broke with a " PA " sound.

As soon as the system received the hair, it immediately swallowed it.

In an instant, PEI Ling felt a wave of pure and majestic medicinal power surge into his body, almost causing him to explode!