The giant white bone hand

Avaricious capital.

It was as if endless black clouds had come from the distant horizon, pressing down with an overwhelming force. It looked like the sky was falling.

Just as all the living beings in the capital city were terrified, a huge golden light beam suddenly rose from the palace and shot into the sky!

The moment the light pillar touched the black cloud, it did not stop. Like a sharp sword piercing through a thin piece of paper, it broke through the thick cloud layer with a destructive force and stood proudly!

In an instant, the Golden radiance seemed to have replaced the afterglow that had quietly disappeared in the sky, dyeing the dark clouds that were full of ominous disasters with a faint brilliance.

Wherever this light touched, all living beings in the imperial capital felt a wave of warmth. Their minds, which had been almost frozen by fear, gradually relaxed.