Chapter 249-the Phoenix hairpin knocking on the Jade pillow makes! round sound.

In the depths of the inner sect, countless statues stood quietly.

Although it was daytime, the imperial residence still gave off a gloomy feeling.

It was as if the light from outside the valley was devoured by some invisible force when it reached here.

A moment later, two figures slowly appeared at the entrance of the palace. It was Wu Liu who had brought PEI Ling over.

The door opened silently, and the two of them walked in one after another. Immediately, the door behind them closed silently again.

The familiar darkness entered his eyes, but there were no more rustling sounds around him.

Under the guidance of the fog Willow, PEI Ling passed through layers of cloisters and the courtyard before entering a side hall.

This side hall was beautifully decorated with heavy veils and heavy curtains. The attendants stood by the side with their hands crossed over their lower abdomens in a respectful posture.