Chapter 260-gorgeous bone Rakshasa painting

Following that, li lieyue looked at PEI Ling and said indifferently, " &Quot; Zheng Jingshan has met with some trouble. As the current leader of the Jian sang branch, I'll leave this matter to you. &Quot;

"Yes! Senior Sister." PEI Ling immediately nodded in agreement.

"Then you guys can talk among yourselves." As li lieyue spoke, he got up and left.

After li lieyue left, only PEI Ling and Zheng Jingshan were left in the hall.

Zheng Jingshan was dumbstruck as he looked at this scene. His eyes were in a daze and he could not react for a long time.

Seeing this, PEI Ling deliberately coughed and then asked, " "Senior brother Zheng, long time no see, how have you been?"

Zheng Jingshan finally regained his senses after hearing this!

In an instant, he felt cold all over and broke out in a cold sweat!

PEI Ling, he ... What was his relationship with Senior Sister li?
