Corpse butcher.

Yu Xue Zhao was only at the late stage of the foundation establishment stage. No matter how hard he tried, his illusionary technique could only barely confuse one core formation vengeful spirit!

"Dog owner, hurry up!" Yu Xue Zhao immediately shouted. At the same time, he gave up all his defenses and concentrated all his strength to deal with the two core formation vengeful spirits that had climbed onto PEI Ling's gallows.

Although it didn't like this dog owner very much, under the demon Slayer blood contract, if anything happened to him, it would definitely not be able to live!

Right now, he could only hope that the dog's owner had a way!

Otherwise, the two of them would immediately die Here!

The two core formation realm vengeful spirits that were quickly climbing onto PEI Ling's gallows suddenly stopped and seemed to have lost their direction.