Heaven's will favors you!

Soon, the carriage slowly landed in front of the former site of the joyous Pavilion.

All he could see was flat land. All the shops in the surroundings were closed, and the pedestrians had moved away. The three-story Pavilion had long disappeared, and only a huge palm print was left.

Looking at the handprint, Kang shaoxi frowned. Something was not right!

When the four maids saw this, they were stunned and immediately exclaimed in a low voice, " "A nascent soul cultivator?"

Was this the attack of a nascent soul cultivator?

Although with Kang shaogan's status and strength, he might not be in danger if he met a nascent Soul Stage rogue cultivator. However, rogue cultivators who could cultivate to the nascent Soul Stage must be inextricably linked to a big sect.

For example, the famous fairy Yi Yin of the ten thousand fathoms sea was actually the illegitimate daughter of an elder of a top sect.