Chapter 328-[ heart demon great expansion curse ]

As Kang shaoqian's cauldrons, the eight cauldrons were well-versed in the four Arts. Now that they had the instruments in their hands, they started to play a lively ensemble without thinking.

As the instruments were played, the auras of the eight people began to rapidly decline.

At the same time, a decadent sound rang in Qiao ciguang's ears. Her originally exhausted magic power began to recover rapidly, and her essence, Qi, and spirit increased at a speed visible to the naked eye!

What was going on?

Qiao ciguang was taken aback and shocked.

At this moment, as if sensing the change in her aura, the size of the Tribulation clouds also began to grow again.

The ink-black tribulation cloud slowly expanded. After a while, the entire "sang" came crashing down. The scale of the Tribulation cloud above his head had actually reached the level of li lieyue when he had formed his nascent soul!