The witness of the three clans

At the thought of this, PEI Ling instantly decided that the fastest way now was to store the extra life Providence and curse power into many magical treasures.

If the nine souls saber could absorb his life Providence and curse power, then the other Dharma Treasures would definitely not have any problems.

Thus, PEI Ling immediately took out the [ Luosha bone Painting ] ...

For a full three days, PEI Ling stayed in the cultivation room. He filled all the magical treasures and artifacts he had with life providences and curse power.

In the end, due to the lack of magical equipment, he even used Kang shaogan's forging skills to design a few forging blueprints and used the system to quickly forge a large number of artifacts to share the burden of the life Providence and curse power that he could not absorb.

After three days, PEI Ling came out of the cultivation room.

The extra life Providence and curse power in his body had all been transferred.