Alien race!

PEI Ling inspected the surroundings and confirmed that there was no danger before he started to examine the murals.

However, perhaps because of the passage of time, most of the murals were as broken as the walls, and the contents could not be recognized.

There were only a few that were still intact.

One of them was of a human standing in front of a tall altar. He held a short dagger and was about to stab it into his heart as if he was going to sacrifice himself. The style of the altar was completely different from what PEI Ling was familiar with. It seemed to be exceptionally tall and majestic, exuding an aura from ancient times.

In the second painting, there was a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood. The human was half-naked, with animal skins around his waist and satisfyingly tied. He held a long saber and stood silently in a pool of blood.