The head of the Jin family.

PEI Ling himself did not earn many merit points, but the sect master's wife had pinned many incidents of massacring cities and exterminating clans on his head. Although he was now wanted by the righteous path, he had also obtained a large number of merit points from this.

It was a good time to pay off the debt with Senior Sister Ouyang.

However, he couldn't use his merit points to exchange for them directly. Therefore, he could only help senior Sister Ouyang exchange for whatever she wanted.

Upon hearing this, Ouyang xianxing hesitated for a moment. She had originally wanted to say that since she had the opportunity to obtain the Snickersnee, she would forget about the merit points from before.

But thinking about it, senior brother PEI was now a core disciple, he had many resources and was extremely rich. Now that he had specially recommended her, if he rejected her, he would seem pretentious.