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After a day and a night.

"Minor sky of freedom."

The bright and beautiful white clouds had mostly dissipated, revealing the warm and soft terrain below.

At this moment, a layer of light was faintly visible, protecting the many living beings who were in deep sleep like Yao qingying.

The original sea of clouds was now only left with a small piece, and it was still dying at a weak speed.

The entire minor freedom sky was filled with the remaining Tribulation Force.

In the sky, the Tribulation lightning had already stopped, and the ink-black tribulation clouds were slowly dissipating.

On the cloud, PEI Ling had already turned into a bloodied man. His body was covered in wounds and his skin was charred black. Only his heart still had a weak trace of life.

The nascent soul tribulation he had experienced this time was far stronger than li lieyue and Qiao ciguang's!