Spread this matter all over the world.

Seeing that the eight sects all agreed without exception, su Lijing's expression was slightly stunned. Then, he quickly frowned.

The strength that PEI Ling had displayed was too strong!

The eight sects knew that they had no chance of winning, so they would rather offer a part of their Taoist connotation than let their carefully cultivated disciples die on the ten thousand tribes blood ladder.

Knowing that this kind of thing couldn't be rushed, Su Li pondered for a moment and saw PEI Ling take another step forward. He was only nine steps away from the Holy Son blood seat. Suddenly, he laughed and looked at the side of the glaze avaricious dynasty. He said in a clear voice,"King Wu, PEI Ling is young and frivolous. He has entered your Empire's borders many times and massacred cities and clans. A few days ago, he almost cooked the wife of a city Lord in public."