Today, let's roar to the netherworld, and cut off all the free and unfettered spirit.

PEI Ling had only taken a few steps out of the cave when Yu Xue Zhao immediately "woke up.""Dog ... Master, let me down. I can walk on my own."

He didn't have time to pay attention to the Fox demon at the moment. He released his hand and directly used his escape technique to fly towards the palace.

Yu Xue Zhao maintained her human form, still wearing that Pink Cross collar narrow sleeve dress, with a pomegranate red silk ribbon, the red gold hairpin on her spirit snake bun reflected light little by little, the earrings hanging by her ears, reflecting a touch of red on her cheeks. At this moment, she was no longer as playful as she usually was. Instead, she followed behind PEI Ling with a slightly red face.

Just as he was halfway there, a figure came from the side and suddenly blocked in front of him.

The person's hair and beard were all white, and his face was familiar. He was li lieyue's seventeenth uncle, li Wuding.