Battle for three hundred years?

Boom boom boom ...

The nine luminaries mountain's protective formation trembled continuously as the two sides exchanged insults.

Just as the four great demonic sects were surrounding the foot of the mountain and fighting in full swing, in the distant sky, in a huge flying Palace, an incarnation of the SU Li Scripture sat high above with a cold expression, as if he had not heard the curses at the foot of the nine luminaries mountain.

Under the Imperial Elixir stood the clan heads of the nine Ali clan, the Fuguang Sihong clan, and the pillow stone su clan.

At this moment, su qianya said in a deep voice, &Quot; Grandmaster, this is a great opportunity for glory sect to earn a fortune. &Quot;

&Quot; now that the war has just started, the pseudo Dao is not prepared enough due to the suddenness of the incident. Next, pills, talismans, magical treasures, and related materials for healing and fighting will definitely increase in price. &Quot;