Xiwu Academy

PEI Ling had already attacked several times. Although he did not face Ji Changfu head on, his nascent soul cultivation had already been exposed.

If this continued, the natural born sect's young sect master wasn't a fool. He could easily find out his true identity!

Now that Zhongkui Jingyi knew how to avoid Ji Changfu, it was the best for him.

Therefore, he didn't ask much and directly landed in front of the school. He immediately stretched out his hand ...

Creak. &Quot;

Accompanied by a groan that made one's teeth ache, PEI Ling pushed open the door and quickly stepped in with sunflower Jing Yi.

However, the moment PEI Ling entered the door, a dark figure appeared out of thin air in an empty room in the depths of the private school.

After the figure appeared, a chessboard appeared in the void in front of him.

&Nbsp; Hong long long ...

In the clear sky, the sound of thunder and lightning suddenly rang.