Chapter 49: [ secret records of eclipse ].

In the next moment, under the control of the system, PEI Ling's magical energy began to circulate in a unique way.

He took off the demonic wolf mask on his face. Whether it was his appearance, the aura he exuded, or some other inexplicable knowledge, he became exactly the same as the mountain elder!

All the students were stunned, and the clamoring for the game gradually died down.

Seeing that the students had quietened down, PEI Ling grabbed a student nearby under the system's control, opened his mouth, and bit him ...

Crack ... Crack ... Crack ...

The night was quiet, and the rain was pouring. It was pitch black all around, so dark that one couldn't even see their own fingers.

The only light source was the bean-like lamp in the waterside pavilion.