Chapter 53-search.

Ji Changfu's eyes narrowed slightly. Although he could not remember everything that had happened last night, he had an extremely strong killing intent towards the students of Hall B!

The words written in blood on his arm had also confirmed this point!

However, according to the rules written in blood on his arm, the three masters should be constantly losing their memories.

But this teacher Wang seemed to remember more than him?

At the thought of this, Ji Changfu continued to transmit his voice,"Teacher Wang, what class do you have today?"

"I'm not going to class today. I'm leaving this 'strange place'!" PEI Ling replied.

"Does Master Wang know how to leave?" Ji Changfu immediately asked.

"In the deepest part of the school, there's an Independent House." PEI Ling quickly transmitted his voice over. &Quot; that's the mountain elder's residence. There's a way to leave the 'strange' place. &Quot;