Acting for another day ...

The water vapor rose, and the bead curtain did not roll up.

Seeing Si Hong's sudden appearance, PEI Ling instinctively felt that something was amiss. He made a prompt decision and cut off the voice transmission talisman before the other party could speak!

At this moment, Si Hong was glaring at PEI Ling. Seeing that he had suddenly put away the voice transmission talisman, she became even angrier and said coldly, " "Today, bengong will skin you alive, pull out your tendons, and dismember your body into ten thousand pieces!"

As she spoke, she took a step forward but coincidentally stepped on the edge of the bath. Then, the dignified sect leader's wife, who had a profound cultivation, slipped and fell towards PEI Ling on the spot.


The soft and fragrant Jade fell into the pool. As the water splashed, PEI Ling happened to hug her.

Si Hong qingjin was instantly enraged, " Don't! Let go of bengong! Quickly let me go ..."