Chapter 174-[ Yin Chi void slash ]

The last time in the fallen immortal's dream, PEI Ling had used the system's management to cultivate two methods that could only be mastered by the soul formation stage.

The [ Five Ghosts tisura escape ] was one of them.

Right now, he was going to test out another soul formation spell technique, the [ Yin void slash ].

This was the top sword skill in the inheritance of the heavy armor sect's Holy Son. There were three moves in total. The second move was to split the mist and bind the heaven and earth, while the third move was to shatter the life and cut the Dao heart.

With his soul formation cultivation base, he could only use the first move.

At this moment, PEI Ling focused his attention for a moment before he pulled out the nine souls saber and slowly raised it.

He raised his long saber high. All of a sudden, a blood-red Thunderbolt seemed to flash across the world!