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At noon the next day.

The blood-colored moonlight poured down, and the wind howled as it quickly passed through the valleys.

In the yellow area, prisoners in shackles walked out of the corners in twos and threes. They began to wave their self-made stone picks and stone hammers to cut the stones.

They walked around casually, and PEI Ling, who had transformed into Wu Xun 'an, mixed in with the crowd. He dragged his feet with them as they walked towards a rock wall that was half-excavated and became a member of the miners.

"Clang clang clang ..."

The monotonous sounds of beating rose and fell. While working, the prisoners also began to chat for the day: ..."That song fellow is a straight rod. Don't be fooled by her fragile appearance, she's just pretending! I heard that the people she tortured these days all shivered at the mention of her, as if their bones had been pulled out."