Sihong clan

These three figures were all dressed in luxurious clothes and had gorgeous accessories. A Pearl hung from their waists, and the two words " Sihong " were engraved on the Pearl.

The one in the middle had a white beard and hair, as if he was a mortal old man over 60 years old. However, his eyes were shining with a bright light, and his brows emitted a cold ruthlessness. He was holding a bone ruyi scepter in his hand. Resentful souls lingered around it, and from time to time, it would emit ghostly wails and wolf howls.

The person on the left looked like a young man. He was feminine and handsome. He stood with his hands behind his back and a bone flute at his waist. The end of the flute was tied with a five-colored Palace ribbon. As the ribbon drooped, the ghost of a resentful woman could be seen floating.