Back to reality!

Whoosh ... Whoosh ... Whoosh ...

Suddenly, the wind started.

As the chains reverberated, a soul wind as sharp as a blade appeared out of thin air. The surface of the lake, which was as smooth as a mirror, suddenly became turbulent.

In an instant, the soul wind carried the lake water and formed an indomitable waterspout. It roared and attacked PEI Ling.

PEI Ling's entire body extended with a seemingly solid darkness, silently devouring the soul wind.

In the next moment, flames flickered in his eyes, and runes interweaved. The [ eternal curse ] and [ method of oblivion ] were used one after another. Immediately after, countless blood-colored sword Qi were slashed out.

The aura of the figure bound by the endless chains had clearly dropped a little. However, the other party was clearly not affected by the forgetting art at all. He only made a slight "huh" sound and felt that it was a little strange.